Generation Health Career Institute, Inc. does not discriminate regardless of race, color, gender, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical handicap.
Attached are copies of our policies for more information and your reading convenience.
- Student Disclosure Pamphlet
- Refund Policy
- Good Attendance Policy
- Generation School Catalogue
- Leave Absence Policy
- Enrollment Agreement
The giving and/or receiving of improper help on assignments or examinations, falsification of records, plagiarism, and any other forms of academic dishonesty are unacceptable. Dismissal from the school is among a variety of penalties that can result from dishonesty. The student will be penalized according to the degree of dishonesty involved and may not be readmitted into any course in the future.
Student(s) must attend all scheduled classes each day and be punctual. If one needs to be absent while in training due to an emergency, you must call the school. More than two absences are unacceptable. You must make up all absences, missed quizzes, or exams; the instructor reserves the right to administer an alternate version of an exam/quiz when make-ups are administered.
The student will be marked late if they are not within the classrooms 15 minutes after the commencement of a given class. Three times lateness would be recorded as a clock hour absence and a student who is absent for more than 2 days of the program length and has not maintained satisfactory progress may be dismissed.
Professional decorum and manner are always expected (Dress, attitude, etc.) Scrubs uniform shirt and pants should always be worn while training. No hats or headgears are allowed. Clinical dress: Hair styled off the shoulders, fingernails short, clear nail polish only, no perfume, small post earrings, no jewelry, very discreet make-up, white shoes.
Speak in moderate tones; avoid loud, profane, and abusive language always (in stores, on the bus or train, in the elevator). Please do not bring children to class or clinical areas.
Please do not chew gum in class or clinical areas.
TRIPLE “A”: Academic, Attendance, Attitude.
The student’s eligibility for continued participation and graduation is based on a permanent record of course performance maintained. This record includes results of attendance, examinations, and as appropriate, practical skill tests, class participation, completion of assigned projects, and clinical performance. Any student, whose final grade average is below 70%, fails to complete all required components of the curriculum, or fails to meet their financial obligations to the school, will not be issued a Diploma. A 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher is required to stay enrolled and for graduation. Students who fail to progress or successfully achieve passing grades will be retested. The following conventional percentiles represent the grading system for all classes.
Passing | 90-100% | A = 4.0 |
Passing | 80-89% | B = 3.0 |
Passing | 70-79% | C = 2.0 |
Failing | BELOW 70% |
The school will provide ample time and instructor involvement for students to make up time and work assignments where appropriate at the discretion of the instructor and/or director.
A leave of absence is granted only in extenuating circumstances, such as an accident, prolonged illness, maternity leave, or death of a relative. If a student fails to return on the agreed date, the student will be dismissed, and a refund calculation performed.
The school provides a placement assistant but cannot guarantee employment to its graduates.
- No certificate of completion will be given until all requirements are satisfied including monetary obligations.
- Students will be dismissed for reasons listed in the school catalog.
Any student who has a complaint, please contact the instructor, then the school’s educational director, and then the school director. If the problem still exists, then the student should contact the State Department of Education.
Who can file a complaint?
If you are or were a student or an employee of a Licensed Trade or Registered Business School in the State of New York and you believe that the school or anyone representing the school has acted unlawfully, you must have the right to file a complaint with the New York State Education Department.
What can a student or employee complain about?
You may make a complaint about the conduct of the school, advertising, standards and methods of instruction, equipment, facilities, qualifications of teaching and management personnel, enrollment agreement or contract and methods of collecting tuition and other charges, school licensed or registration, school and student records, and private school agents.
How can a complaint be filed by a student or employee?
The steps you must take to file a complaint are:
- Contact the State Education Department in Albany or New York City (Address and telephone appear at the end of the catalog), to request a complaint form, or send a letter about your complaint. Describe in as much detail as possible why you believe you have a complaint and describe who did what, when, and where. Try to be as specific as possible. Include your full name, address, and telephone number, and the name and the address of the school.
- Send the completed complaint form or letter describing the complaint to the New York State Education Department. You should do this as soon as possible, but no later than one (1) year after the action(s) you are complaining about.
- Speak to the investigator-shortly after you file your complaint you may be contacted by someone from the New York Education Department. You should cooperate with that person, and provide any information requested as soon as possible. A delay in providing information may result in your complaint not being fully investigated.
- Wait for an answer -the State Education Department must decide about your complaint within 60 days after it is officially received. This determination will be in writing and will be sent to you.
You may wish to try and resolve your complaint directly with the school. If so, use the school’s internal procedure or discuss your problem with teachers, department heads, or the school director. However, the school cannot require you to do this before you file a complaint with the New York State Education Department. Attention: Bureau of Propriety School Supervision
To file a complaint a student can contact:
- The New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234 - 518-473-569
- New York State Education Department
116 W 32nd St., #5
New York, NY 10001-3212 - 212-643-4760